SYA little league baseball player throwing a ball

SYA Little League Baseball


From the dugout to the diamond.

Program Overview

SYA Little League Baseball offers boys and girls ages 4-12, the opportunity to learn and play America’s favorite pastime. Our program focuses on teaching teamwork, sportsmanship, and the fundamentals in a fun and supportive environment. With levels ranging from Tee-Ball to player-pitch leagues, we welcome players of all skill levels to join us for both our Spring and Fall seasons. Whether your child is new to the game or looking to build on their skills, SYA Little League is here to inspire a love for the sport while fostering lifelong friendships.


Dick’s Sporting Goods Coupon for Spring 2025


Spring 2025 Player Pitch Registration is CLOSED. All other levels are WAITLISTED.

Season League Info/Program Overview

When does the season start?

Spring: Practices will begin as early as March 8, pending field conditions, for all levels.

Fall: Practices will begin in August for all levels.

When does the season end?

Spring: June 7, 2025.

Fall: Early November.

When do practices start?

Spring: Practices will begin as early as March 8, pending field conditions, for all levels.

Fall: Practices begin in August .

How many times per week are practices?

Practices vary by level:

  • Kid Pitch teams practice 1-2 times a week and Saturdays.
  • Tee Ball and Coach Pitch teams practice once during the week and Saturdays.

When do games start?

Spring: March 29, 2025.

Fall: Just after Labor Day.

Where are games played?

At various locations in the Centreville/Clifton area.

Are there evaluations/assessments? When?

Spring: Player pitch levels only: Evaluations/assessments were completed Feb 22, 23, 2025.  TeeBall, Coach Pitch, and Rookie have no evaluations/assessments. 

Fall: Week long workouts are held in place of an individual evaluation to determine teams. Dates are TBD.

Will all participants make the team?


Is there a picture day?

Yes for Spring it is May 3, 2025

What are the registration dates for all SYA sports?

SeasonRegistration opens with $15 discountRegular Registration FeeRegistration Late Fee $25Registration Wait ListSeason Registration Closes
FALLMayJuneJulyAug 1-14Aug 15
WINTERSeptemberOctoberNovemberDec 1-14Dec 15
SPRINGDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMar 1-14Mar 15
SUMMERMarchAprilMayJune 1-14June 15


Stay in bounds

Every youth 8 and older participating in the SYA Little League program must live within the boundaries or have a waiver approved by Little League Baseball. Starting with the 2025 season, players League Age 4-7 will have the ability to register for any Little League program they choose.

SYA Little League Baseball Boundaries on a map

If a player attends one of the following schools, they are eligible to play with SYA Little League. All that is required is the completion of a School Enrollment Form following registration.

Eligible Schools:
  • Ad Fontes Academy
  • Bull Run ES
  • Centre Ridge ES
  • Centreville ES
  • Centreville HS
  • Cub Run ES
  • Deer Park ES
  • Liberty MS
  • London Towne ES
  • Mountain View HS
  • Powell ES
  • Saint Andrew the Apostle CS
  • Stone MS
  • Union Mill ES
  • Virginia Run ES
  • Westfield HS
  • Willow Springs ES


When do I get my child’s schedule?

Approximately two weeks before the start of the season.

Age Limits & Groupings

Teeball: Ages 4-6.

Entry level where everyone fields and bats every inning.

Coach Pitch: Ages 5-7.

Builds upon coach pitch from 25′ on their knee.

Rookie: Ages 7-8.

Mixed coach-pitch and player-pitch. Six-year-olds may be eligible to play with a waiver granted by the SYA Little League President.

AA Player Pitch: Ages 7-10.

Intermediate player-pitch baseball – we recommend (but don’t require) players to have AA experience. Players must attend a preseason evaluation and Managers select their team rosters during the player draft. Players not drafted onto AAA rosters are then placed into the AA draft player pool for potential selection.

AAA Player Pitch: Ages 8-11.

Intermediate player-pitch baseball – we recommend (but don’t require) players to have AA experience. Players must attend a preseason evaluation and Managers select their team rosters during the player draft. Players not drafted onto AAA rosters are then placed into the AA draft player pool for potential selection.

Majors Player Pitch: Ages 10-12. 

Advanced player-pitch baseball – we recommend (but don’t require” players to have AAA experience. Players must attend a preseason evaluation and Managers select their team rosters during the player draft. Players not drafted onto Majors rosters are then placed into the AAA draft player pool for potential selection. All returning Spring Majors players will be placed onto a Majors team. All baseball 12 year olds will be placed onto a Majors team, unless waivered.

Challenger: Ages 5-18 (up to age 22 if still in high school)

SYA joins the Chantilly Youth Association (CYA) for Sully Challenger Baseball, a division of Little League Baseball for kids with special needs. More program details


League Early Bird Regular Registration Late Fee (begin Feb 1)
Tee Ball & Coach Pitch $140 $155 $180
Rookie $165 $180 $205
Player Pitch $190 $205 $230

Acceptable Payments Options

The system accepts Visa or MasterCard & online checks (your registration is not FINAL until your check payment is received). You may pay your registration fees, summer skills camp fees, and make donations during online registration. You may register multiple players online as well and receive a multiple player discount.

Scholarship/Financial Aid Info

SYA offers scholarships to all SYA participants of all recreational sports who qualify under the Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services program. To learn more about SYA scholarships, click here.


Equipment Requirements

The League will provide each player with a Washington Nationals team hat and team shirt. Teams are provided with further equipment, based on level.

Each player is required to provide:

  • An athletic cup
  • Baseball glove
  • Baseball pants

Optional equipment provided by parents:

  • Baseball cleats (optional at lower levels)
  • Batting helmet and bat
  • Catchers should have their own gear, however teams will also have one set
  • Players also need to provide a water bottle and a strap for glasses
  • Glasses must have non-breakable lenses

New baseball bat standards were implemented in 2018.

Are there equipment rentals?


Where do I get equipment?

SYA recommends Dick’s Sporting Goods or Amazon.

Are uniforms/jerseys provided?

The League will provide each player with a Washington Nationals team hat and team shirt.

SYA Little League Baseball team photo


SYA encourages parents and high school players to volunteer as referees or team staff.

Become a Volunteer


Position Name Email
Commissioner Bob Woodruff [email protected]

For other questions: [email protected]

2024-2025 Little League Board of Directors

Weather Policy

Please check on field status if it has rained in the last 48 hours.

Decisions on field status are generally made by 3:30pm each day Monday-Friday and by 7am on Saturday and Sunday. LITTLE LEAGUE specific weather policy HERE.

Field/Gym Status info can be obtained by:

  • Contacting your coach first and foremost
    [Coaches, check your email the night before game days, to determine whether the school fields and gyms have been closed because of inclement weather, etc. and to alert the members of your team.]
  • FCPS emergency website (for school fields/gyms)
  • Fairfax County Park Authority field status (for county fields only) or via phone: 703-324-5264
  • Contacting your Sports Commissioner

Consider signing up for Fairfax Alerts!
This Fairfax County free public service will alert coaches and parents to school closings due to weather or other emergency situations via e-mail or cell phone.

Rules and Policies

Refund Policy


Community and business sponsors help support field maintenance, equipment upgrades, and overall league operations.

Washington Nationals logo
INOVA team up uniform logo
Pat Herrity logo
Kathy Smith logo
Home works painting logo
Dick's sporting goods logo
Washington Spirit Team Shield
Kwik goal logo
adidas logo
Global Systems Engineering Logo
OWL Cyber Defense Logo
olson photography logo
glory days grill logo
town and country animal hospital logo
right fit realty logo
john marshall bancorp Inc logo
A.J. Dwoskin and associates Inc logo
elizabeth ann healy foundation logo
the dog stop logo
Kumon logo
kona ice logo
ortho Virginia logo

SYA little league player hitting a ball

Little League’s Epic History

The Southwestern Youth Association (SYA) Little League is a chartered franchise of Little League International, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and the only independently operated and sustained sports program that turns players into citizens and readies them for life.

Founded in 1939 when Lou Gehrig and Joe DiMaggio lit up the MLB, Little League remains the most sizable organized youth sports program in the world.

SYA little league volunteer coach and team on the field


Learn More
little league baseball players on the field

Travel Leagues

Learn More


When do schedules come out?

Approximately two weeks before the start of the season.

Where are the games/practices held?

Fairfax County issues permits to SYA to use facilities in the Centreville/Clifton area. Typically a team will practice at the same facility each week with varying locations for weekend games.

When do I get notified about my child’s coach/practices/games?

Notification of schedules/locations/times will be sent out 1-2 weeks prior to the start of the season (as determined by when we receive permits).

How will I be notified?

Mobile app, email, etc.

What scholarship/financial aid information is available?

SYA offers scholarships to all SYA participants of all recreational sports who qualify under the Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services program. To learn more about SYA scholarships, click here.

Get Into The Game