Little League Baseball

SYA Little League Volunteer Info

SYA Little League is a volunteer organization. We rely heavily on devoted volunteers to help ensure a great little league experience for our children and families. We are always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate little league activities and events. In order to have a successful season, it’s important that all parents of children involved in SYA Little League volunteer in some way. In addition to the key volunteer positions below, every parent should assist with field set-up before and clean-up after each practice and game. Our coaches devote an extraordinary amount of time to teaching and developing our players and as parents we can return the favor by covering the field duties so that the fields remain safe and in the best playing condition possible.

The Snack Shack is an important part of our SYA community. In order to help continue this tradition and make sure it’s available during games, we are assigning 4 hours shifts to every team. Each team will be required to work 1-3 shifts over the course of the season, depending on the level of play. Snack shack duty will be scheduled along with the games of the season in order to not conflict. Teams are allowed to trade snack shack duty times, however the team originally assigned is responsible to ensure coverage. More information will be provided to managers and families as the spring season nears.

Other key volunteer positions with descriptions and estimated time commitments are posted below. Please review these and be prepared to select a volunteer position when you register your child for little league. We request that each family fulfill at least six (6) hours of volunteer time during the season.

  • Team Manager
  • Assistant Coach
  • Umpire
  • Parent/Team Umpire
  • SYA Events (Evaluations, Opening Day, Home Run Derby)
  • Community Outreach (PTA or HOA)
  • Field Crew
  • Adopt-A-Field Monitor
  • Board Member

Please note that Snack Shack support is required by all, regardless of volunteer status.

Volunteer Position Descriptions:

Team Manager

Being a manager or coach requires time, patience, and basic knowledge of the game of baseball. Each team has a manager and up to two/three official assistant coaches and others that support the team. Team managers will also be required to attend off-season meetings and instructional sessions, including Rules and Safety meetings and Coaching Clinics. Team managers, in conjunction with the website notices, will communicate with the parents/guardians of your players to inform them of any schedule changes, rain outs, and Little League events and activities. As a manager, you have more interaction with young people than anyone else in Little League. Therefore, it is important that you understand the goals and virtues of the Little League program in order to effectively communicate them to your players.

Assistant Coach

Assistant Coaches support the manager and help with practice, games, or administrative tasks. It is up to managers and coaches to determine responsibilities based on the needs and comfort level of the coaches.


Youth umpires are paid for the games they cover. Pay starts at $40 a game and increases as you move up and gain experience. Youth umpires start by covering AA and AAA games and can ultimately progress to cover Majors games. It is a great way to make some money with a flexible schedule where you get to pick the games that work for you. If you are age 12 or older, you are eligible to be a youth umpire.

Being an adult umpire is a great way to get involved and volunteer your time to help develop the kids in our league. An adult umpire who umpires at least 8 games will be refunded one of their childs’ Little League registration fee. Adult umpires who umpire between 5-7 games will receive a 50% refund on their child’s SYA Little League registration fee. If your child is an umpire, it is also a great way to work with them on the field. If you umpire a game with your child, your child will earn a 50% increase in their pay for that game.

SYA Little League provides the protective equipment (shared, located at each field) needed to umpire.

Parent/Team Umpire

While SYA strives to provide league umpires for every game, we do rely on parent volunteers from time to time. A parent or team umpire is a parent that volunteers to officiate a game, if called upon. If you are interested in this position, whether it be for your team or the league, SYA Little League will provide the necessary training, along with our other umpires.

SYA Events (Evaluations, Opening Day, Home Run Derby)

SYA hosts several community events per year that require many volunteers. We are asking for volunteers to help plan and organize events as well as volunteers to run the events on designated days. Assignments might include checking in or registering athletes or directing the players between stations during evaluations.

Community Outreach (PTA or HOA)

Our league is always looking to grow and attract more families and athletes to baseball and softball. This position involves serving as a liaison between your local PTA or HOA to help distribute fliers or submit electronic notices advertising SYA Little League events or promote youth baseball/softball in our community. Volunteers in this position would work closely with our SYA Outreach Coordinator to determine duties or assignments.

Field Crew

Each year SYA baseball and softball fields require a lot of upkeep to maintain safe playing surfaces for our athletes. While the county and paid sources provide much of the ongoing support, at the beginning of each season SYA LL needs to accomplish these types of activities: ensuring field is in safe condition for play, edging grass lines, and putting out bases. At the end of the season: fields must be prepared for winter to preserve the surfaces and prevent further wear and deterioration with removing and storing bases and cleaning out equipment boxes. This maintenance is separate from the day-to-day maintenance necessary prior to and after practices and games.

Adopt-A-Field Monitor

SYA is looking for 2-4 monitors per field/complex to help ensure that necessary supplies are stocked and available for practices and games and to report the status of the fields prior to games and practices. Monitors will be asked to visit fields weekly, update inventory in storage boxes, and complete an electronic form alerting field chiefs on the needs of your assigned field. This is a critical role in making sure fields are prepared and safe for play. This requires maybe 1-2 hours or less per week.

Board Member

SYA Little League’s Board of Directors, elected from members of the league, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the league within the rules, regulations and policies of Little League. The board does not have the authority to alter, suspend or change any of the rules, regulations or policies of Little League, however we can review, update, and oversee all our local rules. To receive credit as a volunteer as a board member you must already be officially voted in and be acting as a board member. Please contact SYA Diamond Sports President if you wish to volunteer to become a future board member.

Team Manager Varies by level
Assistant Coach Varies by level
Umpire 2 hours/game
SYA Events 2+ hours/event (varies by event)
Community Outreach As needed
Adopt A Field Monitor 1 hour/week
Field Crew 1-2 days per season
Board Member Monthly meetings + as needed

Please contact the volunteer coordinator directly with questions and thank you for supporting SYA Little League.