In the event of weather or potential poor field conditions, field chiefs or other volunteers will check fields by 4PM on weekdays in question, 7AM on weekends:
- If the fields are determined unplayable, the Information Officer will be contacted to post updates to the SYA Little League website on field status. Managers should be contacted as soon as possible in these situations.
- “Heroic” efforts to make fields playable should not be attempted unless approved by the SYA Little League President and Vice President.
If field conditions prevent scheduled games from being played, team managers shall contact their respective league Commissioners, who shall in turn contact the appropriate Schedule Coordinator with games to be made up. Please note that Fairfax County Schools and or the Fairfax County Park Authority may also close fields due to heat conditions. If this is the case, all team Managers will be notified by SYA Little League.
There is a potential that games may be scheduled for later in the day either at the original or alternate location. Should this situation occur the Schedule Coordinator will work with the involved league Commissioners and managers as early as possible to schedule.
When the games have been rescheduled, the Schedule Coordinator shall:
- Contact league Commissioners with updates
- Provide Information Officer with update to be posted on the SYA Little League website
If games are not called prior to 4:30PM on weekdays, 7:30AM on weekends, teams are expected to show at their respective fields for the game. League officials and team managers have the responsibility for field playability up to scheduled game time. Once scheduled game time has been reached, only the umpire-in-chief for the game may postpone a game due to weather or field conditions.
Rained out games in the Fall will not be rescheduled.
Exception: County Park field status is determined by Fairfax County and is posted to Look for Athletic Field Closures. Should the field in question be closed, team managers should contact the opposing team manager and their respective league Commissioners. ECL #5 and #7 and all Patriot Park North fields are County Park Fields.