SYA boys recreational soccer players on the field

SYA Recreational Soccer


Season League Info/Program Overview

SYA Recreational Soccer is open to boys and girls ages 3 to 19. Our program welcomes players of all skill levels with no tryouts required. Teams are divided by age group, with coed teams for U4-U6 and gender-specific teams starting at U7. Players enjoy a fun and supportive environment, with at least one practice and one game each week, plus exciting opportunities like end-of-season tournaments and All-Star teams for older age groups. Join us to develop skills, make friends, and experience the joy of soccer!

Dick’s Sporting Good Coupon for Soccer Players for Spring 2025 Season 

When does the season start?

Spring: March 29, 2025. No games Apr 19 or May 24.

Fall: Mid August

When does the season end?

Spring:  May 31- June 1

Fall: November

When do practices start?

Practices generally start a few weeks before the season starts. Coaches determine the day, and practices are held 1-2 times per week.

How many times per week are practices?

U4-U7: Usually one day per week.

U8 and up: Up to two days per week.

When do games start?

Spring: March 29, 2025.

Fall: September after Labor Day

Where will the games be?

Games are assigned to various locations, usually in the Centreville/Clifton area at schools and parks. Specific locations are determined by the age group.

Are there evaluations/tryouts?


Will all participants make the team?


Is there a picture day?

Spring: April

Fall: September

What are the registration dates for all SYA sports?

SeasonRegistration opens with $15 discountRegular Registration FeeRegistration Late Fee $25Registration Wait ListSeason Registration Closes
FALLMayJuneJulyAug 1-14Aug 15
WINTERSeptemberOctoberNovemberDec 1-14Dec 15
SPRINGDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMar 1-14Mar 15
SUMMERMarchAprilMayJune 1-14June 15


When do I get my child’s schedule?

Approximately two weeks before the start of the season.


Age Limits/Groupings

Unsure which age group your athlete belongs in?

Pee Wee (U4 – U5)

An intro for the little ones with mini-games featuring basic foot skills, dribbling, passing, and shooting.

  • When: Every Saturday
  • Where:  Bull Run Elementary School, 15301 US-29, Centreville
  • Format: Coed teams


Recreational Program (U6 – U12)

We welcome players of all skill levels with no tryouts needed.

  • When: At least one practice and game per week.
  • Where: Location determined by coach and availability
  • Coaching: Volunteer coaches, licensed within one year, and background-checked.
  • Teams: Separated by gender starting at U7.
  • End of Season: Tournament starting at U9 and All-Star Team opportunities.


U7 and U8 Academy (included as part of seasonal play) 

We teach age-appropriate individual skills and technique through guided discovery and repetition in game-like situations.


Spring 2025 schedule:

  •  Girls: Tuesdays (U7: 5:15 – 6:15pm, U8: 6:30 – 7:30pm)
  •  Boys: Fridays (U7: 5:15 – 6:15pm, U8: 6:30 – 7:30pm)

Where:  E.C. Lawrence Park #4, 5000 Stonecroft Blvd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Format:  Players train within their teams and coaches run the exercises which are designed and demonstrated by the Academy Director. Play, Practice, Play format.


  • U7 Age Group: Train once per week (Academy) in the Fall and up to twice per week in the Spring (Academy + individual team training).
  • U8 Age Group: Train up to twice per week both Fall and Spring. Academy session + individual team training.


Valor Rising Program (U7 – U8)

For players seeking to sharpen their skills and prepare for travel soccer.

  • Goal: Higher level of coaching and training with a focus on individual and small group play, risk-taking, creativity, and decision-making.
  • Environment: Fun and encouraging, promoting a love for the game.
  • Collaboration: SYA and CYA align to strengthen the program


NCSL-Rec (U14 – U19)

The NCSL is the DC Metro area’s premier promotion-relegation soccer league, serving approximately 35,000 travel and 18,000 recreational soccer players every year.

  • When: Twice weekly training sessions and weekly games (some local travel required for away games).
  • Where: various locations, refer to NCSL website for specifics
  • Coaching: Volunteer coaches, licensed within the first year and background-checked.
  • NCSL website


League Early Bird Regular Registration Late Fee
U4-U8 $180 $195 $220
U9-U19 $200 $215 $240

Acceptable Payments Options

The system accepts Visa or MasterCard & online checks (your registration is not FINAL until your check payment is received). You may pay your registration fees, and make donations during online registration. You may register multiple players online as well and receive a multiple player discount.

Scholarship/Financial Aid Info

SYA offers scholarships to all SYA participants of all recreational sports who qualify under the Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services program. Learn more about SYA scholarships.

Equipment Requirements

Are there equipment rentals?


Where do I get equipment?

Please note: SYA is undergoing a rebrand and uniform kits using the new SYA logo will be required for the Fall 2025 season.  Uniforms purchased for the Spring 2025 season will have the legacy SYA logo and will be required to be replaced for the Fall 2025 season and beyond.

Pee Wee (U4 – U6):
You may purchase Size 3 ball, shin guards (required), cleats (recommended) at Dick’s Sporting Goods or Amazon and a shirt is provided with registration fee.

SYA soccer kit must be purchased through, which includes two jerseys, shorts, and socks. Shin guards and cleats are required. Size 4 ball for U9-U12, size 5 ball for U14-U19.

For U14-U19:  Players are required to wear a numbered uniform during games.

Are uniforms/jerseys provided?

You can purchase your new uniforms through our partnership with Select “SYA Rec” from the drop-down, enter your player’s name, and click on “Team Store.” Click the “Quick Sizing” button to add the uniforms to your selection. Update quantities for additional socks and shorts as needed, then proceed to checkout. Add spirit wear for your player or anyone who wants to show their SYA Spirit!

  • U4-U6: No need to purchase a recreational soccer kit. T-shirts are provided as part of the registration fee.
  • U7-U17: Purchase kits from as per the above instructions. The Home team wears red and the Away team wears black.


Should you have specific questions regarding recreational soccer, please refer to the appropriate person below.

Soccer Office: 703-539-8630

Field cancellation hotline: 703-644-8046

SYA Soccer Recreational Age Group Coordinators – 2024-2025

Age Group Name Age Group Range
 U16/U19 Boys Beth Bogemann– acting 1/01/06-12/31/10
U16/U19 Girls Beth Bogemann– acting 1/01/06-12/31/10
U14 Boys Beth Bogemann– acting 1/01/11-12/31/12
U14 Girls Beth Bogemann– acting 1/01/11-12/31/12
U11-12 Boys Ed McCarthy 8/01/12-12/31/14
U11-U12 Girls Dorothy Owen 8/01/12-12/31/14
U11 Boys Combined with U12B 1/01/14-12/31/14
U11 Girls Combined with U12G 1/01/14-12/31/14
U10 Boys Rebecca Yoo 1/01/15-12/31/15
U10 Girls Meghan Rubio 1/01/15-12/31/15
U9 Boys Mari Estrada 1/01/16-12/31/16
U9 Girls Jason Vanderburgh 1/01/16-12/31/16
U8 Boys Cesar Lopez 1/01/17-12/31/17
U8 Girls Julia Hoglund 1/01/17-12/31/17
U7 Boys Emily McDaniel 1/01/18-12/31/18
U7 Girls Bobby Taylor 1/01/18-12/31/18
U6 Coed Beth Bogemann 1/01/19-12/31/19
U4/U5 Coed Beth Bogemann 1/01/20-12/31/21

SYA Soccer Technical Staff

Name Position
Rob Olson Director of Operations/Coaching
Beth Bogemann Administrator
Eric Lewis U7/U8 Academy Clinic Director

SYA Soccer Board 2024-2025

Name Position
Ed McCarthy Commissioner
Dorothy Owen Vice Commissioner
TBA Treasurer
Judy Crumpler Secretary
Dave Kwieraga Referee Commissioner
Trevor Feigleson U4-U8 House Commissioner
Ed McCarthy U9-U12 House Commissioner
Beth Bogemann U13-19 House Commissioner
TBA Recreational Fields Coordinator
Cesar Lopez Webmaster


Position Name
Soccer Administrator Beth Bogemann

For other SYA Sports questions: [email protected]

Inclement weather line: (703) 644-8046


Rules and Policies

A player listed on the roster of a travel team cannot play on an SYA recreational soccer team. All recreational players should play at least 50% of the game. No player can play the entire game unless all players on the team have played 75% of the game.

Age and Eligibility

The SYA Recreational End of Season Tournament is exclusively for SYA recreational league teams. Participation is restricted to registered players from these teams; no travel players, guest players, or players from other SYA teams are allowed. Any game involving ineligible players will result in a 3-0 forfeit to the opposing team. All regular season sanctions, including suspensions and sit-outs, must be observed during the tournament.

Each age group has its own set of rules appropriate for them:

If your child would like to play up or down an age group, please contact us .

Team Formation

To the greatest extent possible, teams are formed geographically around the residence of volunteer coaches, taking into account players’ neighborhoods and school boundaries. There should be no expectation that players will be with the same coach or team in consecutive seasons.

SYA Soccer Field / Gym Status & Events: Cancellation Policy

SYA Soccer follows Fairfax County Dept of NCS and Fairfax County Public Schools field/gym closures.  In addition, if there has been rain in the last 48 hours, our technical staff will check the fields for wetness and field playability.  If there are any field closures, we will update our field cancellation hotline (703) 644-8046 by 3:30pm Mon-Fri and by 7am Sat/Sun.

Refund Policy

Recreational Season/Camp/Clinic Refunds:  Requests for refunds must be made in writing and received prior to the roster distribution meeting (coaches meeting) or the first regularly scheduled game that the registrant’s team plays, whichever occurs first. The registration fee will be refunded minus $35 administrative fees prior to that date. No fees will be returned after that time.

SYA Recreational Soccer Volunteer talking to player


SYA encourages parents and high school players to volunteer as referees or team staff.

Become a Volunteer


Community and business sponsors help support field maintenance, equipment upgrades, and overall league operations.

Washington Spirit Team Shield
Kwik goal logo
adidas logo
Global Systems Engineering Logo
OWL Cyber Defense Logo
Washington Nationals logo
INOVA team up uniform logo
Pat Herrity logo
Kathy Smith logo
Home works painting logo
Dick's sporting goods logo
olson photography logo
glory days grill logo
town and country animal hospital logo
right fit realty logo
john marshall bancorp Inc logo
A.J. Dwoskin and associates Inc logo
elizabeth ann healy foundation logo
the dog stop logo
Kumon logo
kona ice logo
ortho Virginia logo

Weather Policy

Thunder/Lightning Policy

In circumstances where lightning flashes are seen or thunder is heard within the immediate vicinity of the soccer field, the coach/referee shall suspend the practice/game and require all players, coaches, and spectators to leave the field and seek safe shelter.


Practices and games shall not be restarted until 30 minutes after the last bolt of lightning has been seen in the vicinity of the soccer field, and provided the field is in a safe and playable condition.


Please check on field status if it has rained in the last 48 hours. Please call SOCCER FIELD HOTLINE: 703-644-8046

Decisions on field status are generally made by 3:30pm each day Monday-Friday and by 7am on Saturday and Sunday.


SYA Soccer Extreme Cold Weather Policy


The following guidelines are for the safety of both coaches and players and should help determine whether sessions should be modified or canceled.

Factors to Consider:

Fairfax County prohibits the use of turf field whenever there is snow or ice on the pitch. Users are not permitted to remove these, so at any time there is snow or ice on a field, practices there are canceled.

The Wind Chill Factor should be considered. Based on temperature in combination with wind speed, amount of sun, and humidity, this figure is calculated to assist people in determining the relative discomfort to be reasonably expected by anyone planning prolonged time outdoors.

While coaches’ discretion is the determining factor, we suggest that practices for the youngest players be suspended if the wind chill is below 30 degrees. Older teams, such as high school age groups, should also pay attention to this indicator when determining whether to conduct sessions.

Please note that SYA Soccer reserves the right to cancel all sessions for teams on evenings when the club determines that field or weather conditions suggest such a course of action is in the best interest of all players and coaches.

Cold Weather Attire:

SYA encourages all players and staff to dress appropriately. In cold weather, warm-up pants, jackets, sweatshirts and UnderArmour are recommended. Additionally, gloves or mittens and hats, scarves, or ear-bands are suggested as the head and outer extremities are among the first areas to lose body heat.

Coaches are encouraged to speak to any players who are not appropriately dressed and determine whether they should be dismissed for safety’s sake.

Hydration plays a role in preventing hypothermia, as dehydrated bodies cannot regulate temperature in cold weather in the same sense that dehydration causes problems in extreme heat. Teams should take regular water breaks no matter the temperature.

Practices may be shortened at the coach’s discretion. All warm-ups should be of appropriate length to fully prepare players for training, and sessions should include minimal periods when players are not moving.


There are no boundaries for SYA Soccer.


When do schedules come out?

Approximately two weeks before the start of the season.

Where are the games/practices held?

Fairfax County issues permits to SYA to use facilities in the Centreville/Clifton area.

Teams may practice at more than one location each week.

The U4-U12 age groups will have games at the same location each Saturday.

The U14-U19 age groups will play both home and away games throughout the season. Home games will be at the same game field.

When do I get notified about my child’s coach/practices/games?

Notification of schedules/locations/times will be sent out 1-2 weeks prior to start of season (as determined by when we receive permits).

How will I be notified?

Mobile app, email, etc.

What scholarship/financial aid information is available?

SYA offers scholarships to all SYA participants of all recreational sports who qualify under the Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services program. To learn more about SYA scholarships, click here.

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