Southwestern Youth Association Sports

Travel Basketball At a Glance

Updated: Sept 22, 2022

Question Answer
What does a typical practice/game schedule look like? 2 practice/week - 1 game per week
(Games on weekends)
When does the season start? Tryouts early October
When does the season end? Early March
When do practices start? Mid October
When do games start? Early December
Are there evaluations/tryouts? When? Yes early Oct 
Are there playoffs? Yes - First week of March
Is there a Picture Day? Yes
Opening or closing ceremonies or activities No
Where can I find more info?

SYA-travel-basketball home page

How are coaches selected?  Are they paid or volunteer? Coaches are volunteers.  All coaches go through an interview process with the Travel Commissioner.


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Travel Sports

Contact SYA
Office Location:
5950 Centreville Crest Lane
Centreville, VA 20121
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 471
Centreville, VA 20122
Phone: (703) 815-3362
Fax: (703) 815-2180