Centreville SYA girls travel volleyball team 2025

Club Volleyball


Spike Your Potential.

Season League Info/Program Overview

Centreville’s newest Club Volleyball team competes in the Chesapeake Region Volleyball Association (CHRVA).

When does the season start?


When does the season end?

Typically, end of May. 2024-2025 season ends mid-June.

When do practices start?


How many times per week are practices?

Practices 2x weekly for 2 hours

When do games/tournaments start?

November and they are 2x/month in one, two and three day weekend tournaments .

Where will the games/tournaments be?

They will be within a maximum range of four hours drive, but tend to be much closer.

Are there evaluations/tryouts? When?

In September/October, clinics will be held prior to tryouts. Players must register with CHRVA to qualify to attend SYA tryouts in October.

Will all participants make the team?

No, participants are selected based on demonstrated volleyball skills, teamwork, athleticism, and coachability.

Is there a picture day?

No, pictures are taken at tournaments.

What are the registration dates for all SYA sports?

SeasonRegistration opens with $15 discountRegular Registration FeeRegistration Late Fee $25Registration Wait ListSeason Registration Closes
FALLMayJuneJulyAug 1-14Aug 15
WINTERSeptemberOctoberNovemberDec 1-14Dec 15
SPRINGDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMar 1-14Mar 15
SUMMERMarchAprilMayJune 1-14June 15


When do I get my child’s schedule?

Approximately two weeks before the start of the season.

Age Limits & Groupings

Age Range:

2024-2025 Season: Girls, aged U14

2025-2026 Season: Girls, aged U14, U15, U16

Players must meet the CHRVA age definition for each age group.

Future age limits and groupings (for both boys and girls) will be based on coach availability.


League Early Bird Regular Registration Late Fee
(One month after registration opens)
Club Volleyball N/A
(Sport Not in Season)
$995 N/A
(Sport Not in Season)

*Additional Fees: Fairfax County Use Fee: $10.00       Out of County Fee: $50.00


Acceptable Payments Options

The system accepts Visa or MasterCard & online checks (your registration is not FINAL until your check payment is received). You may pay your registration fees, and make donations during online registration. You may register multiple players online as well.

Equipment Requirements

  • Volleyball shoes
  • Knee pads
  • Water bottle
  • Non-pocketed athletic shorts

Are there equipment rentals?


Where do I get equipment?

SYA recommends Amazon or Dick’s Sporting Goods

Are uniforms/jerseys provided?

SYA provides a jersey.


Should you have specific questions regarding tackle football, please refer to the appropriate person below.

Position Name
Commissioner Meet Gill

For other questions: [email protected]

Rules and Policies

SYA Club Volleyball uses CHRVA Rules.

SYA Travel Volleyball players huddled with coach

Volunteer Opportunities​

SYA Volleyball encourages parents and high school players to volunteer as referees or team staff. Contact the [email protected] for details on how to get involved.

Become a Volunteer


Community and business sponsors help support field maintenance, equipment upgrades, and overall league operations.

Washington Spirit Team Shield
Kwik goal logo
adidas logo
Global Systems Engineering Logo
OWL Cyber Defense Logo
Washington Nationals logo
INOVA team up uniform logo
Pat Herrity logo
Kathy Smith logo
Home works painting logo
Dick's sporting goods logo
olson photography logo
glory days grill logo
town and country animal hospital logo
right fit realty logo
john marshall bancorp Inc logo
A.J. Dwoskin and associates Inc logo
elizabeth ann healy foundation logo
the dog stop logo
Kumon logo
kona ice logo
ortho Virginia logo

Weather Policy

Please check on field status if it has rained in the last 48 hours.

Decisions on field status are generally made by 3:30pm each day Monday-Friday and by 7am on Saturday and Sunday.

Field/Gym Status info can be obtained by:

  • Contacting your coach first and foremost
    [Coaches, check your email the night before game days, to determine whether the school fields and gyms have been closed because of inclement weather, etc. and to alert the members of your team.]
  • FCPS emergency website (for school fields/gyms)
  • Fairfax County Park Authority field status (for county fields only) or via phone: 703-324-5264
  • Contacting your Sports Commissioner

Consider signing up for Fairfax Alerts!
This Fairfax County free public service will alert coaches and parents to school closings due to weather or other emergency situations via e-mail or cell phone.



There are no boundaries.


When do schedules come out?

Approximately two weeks before the start of the season.

Where are the games/practices held?

Fairfax County issues permits to SYA to use facilities in the Centreville/Clifton area. Typically a team will practice at the same facility each week with varying locations for weekend games.

When do I get notified about my child’s coach/practices/games?

Notification of schedules/locations/times will be sent out 1-2 weeks prior to the start of the season (as determined by when we receive permits).

How will I be notified?

Mobile app, email, etc.

Get Into The Game