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Points of Emphasis

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Player Safety

  • Player safety is of utmost importance—we want a safe, fair, and enjoyable game for everyone.
  • Watch out for rough, aggressive, careless, or reckless play, especially unsafe challenges for the ball. Deal with rough play early in the game. Although some contact may appear trifling or inconsequential to the outcome of a play, blowing your whistle early in the game sets the tone for the rest of the match. Players and coaches will quickly adjust to the level of contact you allow. If something seems unfair, it probably is so trust your instincts and be firm with your decisions.
  • Ensure players are properly and safely equipped—no jewelry (medical and religious exceptions are listed in Law 4 of the rules). Use common sense when judging the safety of players’ equipment. For example, items that adorn a player’s hair (headbands, pre-wrap, ribbons, etc.) are generally acceptable if they do not threaten the safety of any player.
  • Be mindful of players who may be injured or show signs of concussion. The referee has full authority to stop the game immediately if you think a player is injured. Do not allow a player to reenter a game if you suspect they have a head or other serious injury—regardless of whether a coach, parent, or spectator thinks the player is “ok.”

Goal Safety

  • Referees are responsible for ensuring goals and nets are properly secured and safe for play. Never start or continue a game if a goal is or becomes unsafe.
  • Portable or movable goals must be staked to the ground and/or weighted down with a sufficient number of sandbags or weights to ensure the goal cannot tip over. Referees should never let anyone play or hang on the goal frames.
  • Referees must check the goals before every game—even if they were checked for the previous game. Referees should get in the habit of checking the goals when they arrive at the field, prior to the first half kickoff, prior to the second half kickoff, and before any overtime period or penalty kick shootout.


  • SYA Soccer has a Code of Conduct that governs coaches, team officials, and spectators.
  • Coaches are responsible for managing the sideline behavior of their players, assistants, and spectators. Match officials must not ignore or tolerate irresponsible behavior. Address it firmly and early in a game. If necessary, ask coaches for help managing unruly spectators or getting a dismissed spectator to leave the vicinity of the field.
  • The referee CAN show yellow or red cards to coaches and team officials but CANNOT show cards to spectators.
  • Match officials should NOT deal with disruptive spectators directly. Stop the game and respectfully ask the head coach to take care of any problems. If the coach refuses, you can use your cards to send a clear message. Terminate any game that no longer has a safe environment.
  • All yellow and red cards must be reported to the Referee Commissioner and Referee Assignor. For yellow cards, you have 24 hours to file your report. All red cards, ejections, or dismissals from the field must be reported on the same day as your game.
  • SYA Soccer wants to hear about unacceptable or irresponsible behavior by anyone—even if it doesn’t result in a yellow card, red card, or dismissal from the field. Please call, email, or text the Referee Commissioner or Referee Assignor if you have any sportsmanship issues at your game. You can also reach out to us even if it’s just to talk about how you felt after a game.


  • Know the rules. SYA soccer is played in accordance with the IFAB 2022/23 Laws of the Game, as modified by the respective SYA age group rules. If you’re unsure about something, ask the Referee Commissioner, Referee Assignor, or a fellow official.
  • Honor your assignments. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may cause you to turn back games. The sooner you contact our Referee Assignor, the more time Alan will have to find other referees.
  • Arrive on time. On time is twenty (20) minutes before kickoff to ensure you have enough time to inspect the field, meet with head coaches, inspect the players, and conduct a proper pre-game conference with your officiating crew.
  • Dress properly. You are an ambassador for all US Soccer officials so please take the standards of dress seriously. Referee shirt tucked in, black socks pulled up, black shorts and black shoes. Yellow is the primary shirt color, but referees have discretion to wear any color so long as the entire crew wears the same color.
  • Late arrivals or no-shows. Always contact the Referee Assignor if you’re running late or having an emergency, injury, or sickness that prevents you from being at your games. Never fail to show up for your assigned games unless you have contacted Alan and he has taken you off the game. Failure to show up for your games may result in lost pay and/or sanctions.

Communication and Teamwork

  • Positive communication begins when you arrive at the field. Be friendly, courteous, and approachable.
  • Always introduce yourselves to the coaches. Use this opportunity to address any game-related issues—rule questions, field conditions, weather, spectators, hydration breaks, or any other items. If a Referee Mentor is at your field, introduce yourself and be open to honest and constructive feedback.
  • Conduct a pre-game conference with your officiating crew. Talk about each referee’s responsibilities during the game, as well as crew communication and teamwork. Be sure to address what to do during game-critical situations like penalties, goal/no goal decisions, player and/or bench misconduct, irresponsible behavior by coaches or spectators, and serious injuries.
  • Use the halftime interval to talk about what’s going well and what might need improvement. Revisit these items in your post-game conference.

Know the Laws of the Game

  • SYA soccer is played in accordance with the most current IFAB (FIFA) Laws of the Game, except as modified by the respective SYA age group rules that can be found on the SYA Soccer website.
  • Read the Laws before going to the field. Keep a copy on your mobile phone and/or in your referee bag. If you’re unsure about a Law, rule modification, or SYA policy, ask the Referee Commissioner, Referee Assignor, or a fellow official for clarification.

Players’ Equipment

  • Referees must ensure all players are properly and safely equipped before the game begins.
  • Referees must be mindful of players that attempt to wear shinguards or shoes that are not safe or do not provide a reasonable degree of protection.
  • Referees must never allow any player to play in a game if they are wearing jewelry—this includes fitness trackers (e.g., Fitbits, Apple watches) and body piercings that a player insists will close if they remove the piece of jewelry.
  • Referees should be familiar with SYA Soccer rule modifications regarding headgear, eyewear, medical bracelets, religious items, and special-needs players.

No Heading the Ball for U12 and Below (Recreational League Only)

  • Although current US Soccer guidelines specify no heading for players U11 and below, SYA Soccer has modified this guidance to apply to U12 and below recreational league games because U11 and U12 recreational players are often combined into a single age group. In addition, multiple U11 and U12 games are often played on the same field on the same day, so it’s easier for referees to enforce the no heading rule for all these games.
  • Play must be stopped whenever the ball hits a player in the head. Referees must not apply advantage.
    • The restart depends upon whether the player deliberately played the ball with their head.
    • If the play was deemed intentional by the referee, the restart is an indirect free kick (IFK) to the opposing team. If this occurs within the goal area, the IFK should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line, at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred.
    • If the referee decides the ball was headed inadvertently (or simply hit a player in the head), the restart is a dropped ball.

Build Out Lines for U9 and U10 Small-Sided Games

  • In order to improve focus on younger player development, US Soccer has implemented various Player Development Initiatives, including the concept of a build out line.
  • Build out lines designate areas where opponents cannot enter during certain phases of the game.
  • Build out lines are located equidistant from the halfway line and the top of each penalty area.
  • Build out lines do not have to be marked on the field.
  • Opposing team players must move behind the build out line whenever the goalkeeper has possession of the ball.
  • Opposing team players must move behind the build out line on a goal kick and may not cross the build out line until the ball is put back into play.
  • Players cannot be penalized for offside between the halfway line and the build-out line.
U.S. Soccer Field Standards and Markings for 7v7 Play (U9 and U10) Showing Build Out Lines

U9 and U10 Recreational League Players Cannot Slide on the Ground (No Sliding Rule)

  • “Sliding on the ground” means that a player intentionally left his or her feet and propelled themself along the ground—stumbling or falling on the ground is not included.
  • EXCEPTION: A goalkeeper in his or her own penalty area is allowed to slide on the ground, as long as the referee does not consider the action to be a danger to any player (including the goalkeeper). Goalkeepers are permitted to make sliding saves to prevent a goal or a ball from leaving the field.
  • Referees may apply advantage for a sliding infraction, but they should not ignore sliding. Referees can remind players to stay on their feet or ask a player’s coach to help manage the behavior. If necessary, referees have authority to show a yellow card to a player who persistently slides on the ground.

Foul Recognition and Misconduct

  • Referees must endeavor to be fair and consistent when deciding whether fouls or misconduct have been committed, and if so, whether something should be penalized. Remember to judge the result, not the intent, of an individual’s actions.
  • Referees should apply advantage when and where appropriate—and let everyone know by upswinging one or both arms and loudly saying “Play on!” or “Advantage!”. Do not use these terms or signals to indicate that players should keep playing when there is no foul or infraction. Try using different expressions like “keep going,” “no foul,” “keep playing,” or something similar.
  • Referees must be particularly mindful of players committing unfair or unsafe challenges for the ball, like charging a goalkeeper who has possession of the ball, tackling a player from the side or from behind, elevating or exposing one’s cleats, and committing unsafe aerial challenges for the ball.
  • All female players in our recreational leagues, regardless of age, are allowed to place their arms across their chest for protection. Similarly, referees should give fair consideration to any player who covers their face, head, or neck with their arms or hands for protection. Remember, the referee has the final decision as to whether any such action is fair and legally executed.


  • Handballs must be deliberate. The ball may hit players in the hands or arms several times during a game. This is not, in and of itself, sufficient for handball to be called. Before you blow your whistle, take a moment to ask yourself whether a player decided to touch the ball with their hand or arm because they had no other options. If so, blow your whistle or apply advantage. If not, keep playing!
  • Developing players, like those in our recreational leagues, can be given more leeway when it comes to handballs. The referee should consider the following before making a handball decision:
    • the movement of the hand or arm towards the ball (not the ball towards the hand or arm)
    • the position of the hand or arm (closeness to the body versus making oneself bigger)
    • the distance between the player, the opponent, and the ball (a player’s reaction time, whether the ball was “unexpected”)
  • The referee can apply two general criteria to determine handballs:
    • did the player put their hand or arm in an unnatural position or move the hand or arm toward the ball?
    • did the player have sufficient time to move the hand or arm out of the way but chose or failed to do so?

Positioning, Mechanics and Work Rate

  • Do your best to stay sufficiently close to play. Work hard on your positioning so you can get the best angles to see what’s going on and get wide and deep enough to see what’s happening in the corners of the field. Be in proper position to call offside, goals, and balls in and out of play.
  • Whistle and signal confidently and appropriately. Remember, these tools are an extension of your voice. Make sure players and coaches can hear your whistles and see your signals. Vary the length and tone of your whistle based on your call. Whistle only when necessary.
  • Showing cards to younger players. Use all your officiating tools, personality, and experience to manage the game but do not ignore misconduct. This does not always mean showing a card. Sometimes all you need to do is talk to the player or ask for help from the coach or team captain to manage unacceptable behavior.

Thunder and Lightning Policy (30-Minute Rule)

  • Any time thunder is heard or lightning is observed, the referee shall immediately suspend the game and direct all persons to leave the field and proceed with haste to the nearest shelter. There are no exceptions to this policy.
  • All persons should remain in a sheltered location (e.g., cars, buildings, etc.) for thirty (30) minutes before resuming soccer activities.
  • The 30-minute waiting period begins each time thunder is heard or lightning is seen.
  • If field conditions become safe (e.g., thunder and lightning are no longer present), the referee should let coaches know if and when a game may be resumed.
  • Play should not be resumed after a weather-related suspension if doing so would cause the game to be finished after its scheduled time slot, unless resumption does not interfere with any subsequently scheduled game.