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FootballMedical Program Information

FCYFL Rule 7.5.1 Safety Bulletin

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The safety and health of all players in our league is of paramount importance. The purpose of this bulletin is to specifically focus on just one aspect of concussion awareness which deals with the reduction of head contacts occurring during the season. This is just part of a campaign to change the sport’s culture by defining responsibilities for league administrators and coaches to deliver a better, safer game.

Concussion prevention is an extremely comprehensive issue with numerous areas of much needed attention, all involving education by the parents, players, coaches, and administrators. Most head contacts occur in practice and limiting the potential number of hits is a positive step in the right direction. Numerous national efforts have already implemented major changes to reduce the number of head contacts. The Nebraska Concussion Awareness Act is the forerunner of safety education in the future. This act went into effect on July 1st and specifically mandates that programs involving players 19 & under must offer training to coaches regarding concussions. The Fairfax County Safety Summit was extremely informative on the necessity of concussion awareness and a change in the culture on teaching the fundamentals of drills, blocking, and tackling in football. NCAA conferences are reducing the number of days contact is allowed. Injury prevention through a change in culture is necessary to maintain this great game of football, specifically at the grass roots levels of youth programs. Right now, the perception with genuine concerns makes it easier for a parent to keep their children out of tackle football, opting to do nothing or go to another activity. FCYFL wants to be a leader in safety and do our part now!

In view of the information above, FCYFL deems it necessary and in the best interests of all participants, to make the following amendment to our rules…outside the timetable of the normal rulemaking process. Again, the purpose of this amendment is to reduce the number of head contacts a player experiences.

During preseason practices, the maximum number of days per week where contact of any kind with the head is allowed is (4) days out of the (5) days practice currently in place. Beginning with Labor Day Monday, the maximum number of days per week where contact of any kind with the head is allowed is (2) days out of the (3) days of practice currently in place. The spirit and intent of this rule is to reduce the number of helmet contacts a player incurs.

* During the normal course of a full season, unforeseen schedule changes beyond all reasonable control, may affect the specific application of this rule. These rare occurrences are the exception and come from the league administration only. No club, team, or individual coach has the authority to deviate from any rule.