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2020 Inductee

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Bryan Hunt

Meritorious Service

(Pictured L to R: Inductee-Bryan Hunt, award presented by guest speaker: Jill Ellis, Bryan introduced by SYA President, Jeff Stein)
  • Bryan has been involved with SYA for eighteen years. 
  • Bryan started with SYA Soccer as Treasurer in 2002 and served in that position till 2016. 
  • Since 2003, Bryan also took on the added responsibility of SYA Executive Treasurer of SYA. 
  • Bryan has been in business, Bryan Hunt CPA, since 1998. 
  • Suzy, Bryan’s wife was a longtime soccer coach of her two daughters and was the one to urge  Bryan to volunteer for SYA as the treasurer.  
  • Bryan has won the following awards: 
    • SYA Presidents Award; for his exceptional work for SYA as a leader and volunteer.
    • 2001 Centreville Citizen of the year. 
    • 2017 Centreville Days Business Person of the Year by Sully Supervisor, Kathy Smith.