Babe Ruth Baseball Team Sponsorship Program

Would you like to sponsor a team? The continued success of our Baseball Program depends on Volunteers, Team Sponsorships and Donations. We would appreciate if you would consider sponsoring a baseball team.

Support your Local Babe Ruth League Baseball Teams! Baseball season is quickly approaching and what better way to support your community and help build your business than through supporting your SYA Babe Ruth League. SYA Babe Ruth has had success in providing youth development, fun, and great camaraderie for our kids. Sponsorships of our local league teams by businesses in the community are vital to the financial health of SYA Babe Ruth. The money from these sponsorships helps to fund the significant costs involved in the annual activities of our league, such as the future development of our fields and grounds, providing uniforms and Insurance, sports equipment for the players in the league, and offering aid to deserving children. In addition to getting the satisfaction of supporting a great American tradition at the local level, you also receive some terrific returns.

Just $500 per year (Spring and Fall seasons) will get you:

  • A prominent outfield sign (3’ x 5’) at Upper LLV Field (near Willow Springs ES)
  • Your logo on the SYA BRL website page with link to your organization’s website
  • A plaque from SYA Babe Ruth League Baseball following the spring season.


Click for Babe Ruth Sponsorship Info Letter & Form


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Contact SYA
Office Location:
5950 Centreville Crest Lane
Centreville, VA 20121
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 471
Centreville, VA 20122
Phone: (703) 815-3362
Fax: (703) 815-2180